All Classes and Interfaces

A tuple that describes a range of the number line between 0 and 1.
A data type class used internally to help evaluate conditions
Defines a single Experiment
The result of an call
A callback to be executed with an ExperimentResult whenever an experiment is run.
The feature with a generic value type.
This error is thrown by GBFeaturesRepository You can call getErrorCode() to get an enum of various error types you can handle.
Error codes available for a FeatureFetchException
Results for a IFeatureEvaluator.evaluateFeature(String, GBContext, Class) value (any) - The assigned value of the feature on (boolean) - The assigned value cast to a boolean off (boolean) - The assigned value cast to a boolean and then negated source (enum) - One of "unknownFeature", "defaultValue", "force", or "experiment" experiment (Experiment or null) - When source is "experiment", this will be an Experiment object experimentResult (ExperimentResult or null) - When source is "experiment", this will be an ExperimentResult object
An enum of the possible sources for the feature result
Overrides the defaultValue of a Feature based on a set of requirements.
Listen for feature usage events
Object used for mutual exclusion and filtering users out of experiments based on random hashes.
Context object passed into the GrowthBook constructor.
The builder class to help create a context.
This class can be created with its `builder()` or constructor.
Appends User-Agent info to the request headers.
GrowthBook SDK class.
Operator for use in the condition JSON
Used for remote feature evaluation to trigger the TrackingCallback
This callback is called with the Experiment and ExperimentResult when an experiment is evaluated.
Meta info about an experiment variation
Tag for the published GrowthBook SDK version