ClassDescriptionA tuple that describes a range of the number line between 0 and 1.A data type class used internally to help evaluate conditionsExperiment<ValueType>Defines a single ExperimentExperiment.ExperimentBuilder<ValueType>ExperimentResult<ValueType>The result of an
callExperimentResult.ExperimentResultBuilder<ValueType>Feature<ValueType>The feature with a generic value type.FeatureResult<ValueType>Results for aFeatureEvaluator.evaluateFeature(String, EvaluationContext, Class)
value (any) - The assigned value of the feature on (boolean) - The assigned value cast to a boolean off (boolean) - The assigned value cast to a boolean and then negated source (enum) - One of "unknownFeature", "defaultValue", "force", or "experiment" experiment (Experiment or null) - When source is "experiment", this will be an Experiment object experimentResult (ExperimentResult or null) - When source is "experiment", this will be an ExperimentResult objectFeatureResult.FeatureResultBuilder<ValueType>An enum of the possible sources for the feature resultFeatureRule<ValueType>Overrides the defaultValue of a Feature based on a set of requirements.FeatureRule.FeatureRuleBuilder<ValueType>Object used for mutual exclusion and filtering users out of experiments based on random hashes.Context object passed into the GrowthBook constructor.The builder class to help create a context.Model that created for generating StickyBucketAssignmentDocModelModel for care a pair of hashAttribute and hashValueDeprecated.Operator for use in the condition JSONOptionalField<ValueType>A ParentCondition defines a prerequisite.StickyAssignmentsDocument class is presenting a model for accumulate such data as: attributeName, attributeValue and assignmentsModel for caring data: variation and versionIsBlockedTrackData<ValueType>Used for remote feature evaluation to trigger theTrackingCallback
Meta info about an experiment variation